Tips on Moving House and Removals

  1. Stay organised. Staying organised can't be emphasised enough when it comes to important moving tips for relocating.There is no amount of planning that can prepare you for unexpected issues that arise on your moving day, but you can prepare for a comfortable move by packing and organising your belongings in advance.Also, by taking an inventory of all possessions, scheduling your moving truck two weeks prior to your move and planning where your furniture will go in your new home.
  2. Gather packing supplies far in advance. There's nothing worse than scrambling at the last minute for boxes, bubble wrap, and packing tape to pack up the last of your belongings.One of the most important moving tips to remember, is to gather new or used boxes, bubble wrap or butcher paper, packing tape, and a permanent marker 4 to 6 weeks prior to relocation.
  3. Label all boxes clearly. Make sure that all boxes are labelled clearly with their contents. You can take it a step further by using colour coding to organise where boxes will go in your new home.As an example, label all boxes in red for the kitchen, blue for bedrooms, and green for bathrooms. This will make it easy and efficient for movers to unload your belongings. So the quicker that your movers work, the chances are you will have to pay less in total moving expenses.

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